Since MA has got limited time to attend e patient therefore asking simple and open questions must be preferred. The MA can start from the question like “Do you have any children and are you planning to have more children in future?”
<h2>Answer to Q2:
The age of patient is important because young and underage ladies will response very delightedly but an aged lady will be more responsive about the questions. A young lady may feel worried because the fear of being pregnant exists there and the difficulties are not known for becoming a parent for the first time.
<h2>Answer to Q3:
The economic status is directly dependent upon the number of dependent members of family upon a single person so if there is one person to earn and a lot to consume then obviously it becomes difficult for a single person to manage and fulfill the needs of all dependent people on him or her. Therefore the use of contraceptives is preferred if the economic situation is bad.
<h2>Answer to Q4:
This issue can be made a serious issue of concern by the medical assistant. The importance of using contraceptives should be discussed in detail and the difficulties in unwanted pregnancy should be kept in front of the patient. The doctor must creates awareness about the use of and convince the patient on its use.