<em>How do you think Voltaire's trip to England was a turning point for him and for the Enlightenment? </em>
He was influed by the freedom (by the time's standards) he found in England comparing to France.
<em>Why do you think Denis Diderot said that an intolerant man is an evil man? Do you agree? Explain your answer. </em>
Yes, I agree. Because to be intolerant means not to listen to the other side and acknowldege their right to have a different opinion, this can lead to de-humanization of the opponent to the point of justifying any evil act towards him/her.
<em>Why do you think the philosophes never recognized their own prejudices about women? </em>
Maybe they are the product of their time, they are humans, and as any normal human being they are/were failable. Sometimes they could see things that no-one had ever seen before but sometimes they failed to acknowledge their mistakes and their times' mistakes.
The answer I usually get (and I'm paraphrasing here) is that they disappear and are instead absorbed as heat energy.
But I find it hard to believe that the photon simply "disappears." Common sense tells me it must turn into something or other, not just simply poof out of existence; then again, common sense has betrayed me before.
Forgive me if this is obvious; high school physics student here who's just learned about light and is greatly confused by all this.
The answer is A) So the country could borrow in the future.
If a country does not pay its debt in full and at the right time, it affects the credibility of the country such that it will be difficult for the country to borrow again since the last time the country borrowed the country defaulted. However if a country pays its debt in full , it creates confidence for people to invest in government securities and so that the public debt can become another means of income for the government.This conclusion reached by Alexander Hamilton was based on the British Financial System which highly esteemed payment of debt in full and on time.
The British offered freedom to the slaves, if they left their masters. They lied. The British thought that if they could start a mass desertion of slaves, it would cripple the colonist's economy and the colonist would be forced to surrender. Food would be scarce due to no slaves laboring in the fields, planting, harvesting, etc.
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta sería la siguiente.
Lo que yo haría para armar un campamento y sobrevivir en el planeta, instalaría ventiladores lo más grandes posible para usar los fuertes vientos que soplan en ese planeta como generadores de energía eléctrica. Algo así como la energía eólica que usamos en el planeta Tierra como una fuente de energía renovable.
Si por un fenómeno inexplicable una región de Tierra no recibe la luz durante un mes lo que ocurriría sería que la vida como la conocemos en el planeta se vería afectada seriamente porque el Sol es el gran dador de vida para los animales, plantas vegetales y el ser humano. Sin el sol, las plantas no podrían alimentarse. El sol es vital, como lo es el agua.
En el caso de los humanos, el Sol nos aporta una gran cantidad de vitamina "D," y al no recibirla, nos afectaría, así como a todos los seres vivos.
Si tuvieras que solucionar los problemas generados por falta de luz, o que que haría sería recurrir al fuego y a la energía del viento, la eólica, tal y como lo mencioné anteriormente.