The sequence of the complementary strand of mRNA is AUCAUCAUC
Explanation: There are four bases in DNA: Adenine A, Thymine T, Guanine G, and Cytosine C while the bases found in RNA are Adenine A, Uracil U, Guanine G, and Cytosine C. In DNA base pairing, Adenine pairs with Thymine while in RNA base pairing, Adenine pairs with Uracil while Guanine pairs with Cytosine.
The answer is epididymis.
Epididymis is a tightly coiled mass of thin tubes that carries sperm from the testes to the ductus deferens in the ale reproductive system. Sperms matures as they pass through the epididymis so that they are ready to fertilize ova by the time they enter the ductus deferens. During the ejaculation stage of emission sperms are moved from the testes and the epididymis, where they are stored, to the beginning of urethra.
Glucagon signals the liver to start producing glucose.
Glucagon signals the liver to start producing glucose from the breakdown of amino acids through gluconeogenesis process. When the glucose level decreases in the body due to fasting or starvation, the pancreas release glucagon which provides signals to the liver to produce glucose form non carbohydrates substances present in our body. This production of glucose increases the concentration of glucose in the blood and the body used this glucose for the generation of energy molecules in the form of ATP.