false there are other types of variables that create favoritism among children outside the situation of stress
1. Biological
It is a survival strategy that we carry in our genes. It is explained in ancient times, when ancestors could not support all descendants, they established a preference scale privileging the one they believed stronger, smarter and clever.
Some parents are inclined to prefer the eldest, "the healthiest, the one who gets better grades, etc ...", others are inclined to prefer the "weakest, the most vulnerable or the one who needs more protection, in this case it will be the least .
2. Psychological
Children are usually preferred by moms and girls by dads, this is because unconsciously looking for an improved version of the couple. It may also be because the favorite child resembles a deceased relative or that we choose the child that looks less like ourselves.
The youngest son may be the favorite of many parents, as a way of compassion and trying to remedy some mistakes made in the past with the eldest son,
3. Cultural
Many parents in ancient times and in different cultures prefer male children, since they will perpetuate the family name. To give an example: Long ago, many women did not have the opportunity to study, which was given to men.