The right answer is A. the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains.
The Louisiana territory, initially populated by Indians, then settled by the French, had been ceded to Spain in 1763. Since that time the dream of retaking Louisiana had stirred the French, and the audacious general Napoléon Bonaparte had retrieved it for France from his Spanish allies in 1800. Napoléon was willing to sell the Louisiana Territory because his French army in Saint-Domingue (Haiti) had been decimated not only by a massive slave revolt but also by yellow fever. Concerned about financing another round of warfare in Europe, Napoléon decided to cut French losses in the Americas by selling the entire Louisiana Territory and thereby gaining cash for his ongoing war with Great Britain. Great Britain. By the Treaty of Cession, dated April 30, 1803, the United States obtained the Louisiana Territory for about $15 million.
Codependency in market can be afflicted by a unique pathology, which can lead to either economies felling cheated or overburdened.
A good example of codependent markets is market between the United States of America and Peoples' Republic of China.
America as industrial economy with high consumption rate has savings problems and has relied on Chinese surplus savings to shore up her budget deficits overtime
China has increasingly turned to America for as her sustenance and anchor her economic development strategy on America. On the other hand America needs China for economic growth.
Over time America has relied on the vast saving from China to grow her economy, leading to most Chinese buying up American treasuries and other securities. America, unconsciously and systematically outsourced her basic production lines to China and import basically everything from china. At the same time providing China with the technology and strategy to grow her economy.
The whole world tends to depend on China for most of commodities. China has vast exporting machines and has also advanced rapidly in science and technology. Employment grew in China as well as consumption rate. Now China sits at advantage of having export ability and local consumption economy.
This is not going down well with America, resulting in many trade wars and imposition of tariffs to Chinese goods. America had wanted China to be part of the Briton Woods of global lending economy due to her surplus savings, but China has decided to go the way of Silk road fund and others.
Finally, of the two economies, the export economies benefits most from the symbiotic relationship between the industrial economies and export economies.
In what is sometimes referred to as the "Revolution of 1800", Vice President Thomas Jefferson of the Democratic-Republican Party defeated incumbent President John Adams of the Federalist Party. The election was a political realignment that ushered in a generation of Democratic-Republican leadership.
Scholars study the bronze export goods that fill shipwrecks from the era.
Scholars have carried out studies that include a report of the 1960 excavation of a Late Bronze Age shipwreck in Gelidonya, that included another publication and a summary of conclusions. Also, there have been other discoveries which include artifacts and took place in Cape Gelidonya from 1987 until 1989, the excavation of another earlier Late Bronze Age shipwreck of Turkey, and the results of modern techniques of analysis performed in laboratories.
El país moderno comenzó entre los siglos XV y XVI. Este período fue cuando los reyes usaron la crisis del feudalismo para recuperar su poder. El país moderno es una forma de monopolización del poder coercitivo en su territorio. Es una institución política que tiene el poder de hacer leyes.
The modern country started between the XV and XVI centuries. This period was when the kings used the feudalism crisis to get back their power. The modern country is a way of monopolization the coercive power on its territory. It is a political institution that has the power of making laws.