not a.
not b.
not c.
it's d.
Lower tax rates enable firms to invest more – this leads to higher growth and therefore, higher tax revenues
Answer and Explanation:
Artists' lives have been changed by digital technology. This has created different schools of thought such as the "winner take all" theory, which claims that delivering high quality products at low cost will create a world where small differences in talent demand large differences in reward, and the "long tail" theory, who claims that digital technology is creating a small portion of sellers that the market will adapt to, promoting low-cost products. These two theories are effective in different realities. However, the existence of both proves the change that programming and technology has been showing in entertainment and in the market.
1. top-down
2. apportion
Based on the manufacturing industry standards, Project managers typically use TOP-DOWN also called analogous estimating or the APPORTION method when there is a past history of similar projects and rough-cut estimates are needed for strategic purposes two to five years out because, as estimating methods go, it is faster and less expensive.
Answer: coinsurance clause
A coinsurance clause is a provision in the home insurance policy which requires the individual to carry coverage that is worth a certain percentage of the home's value. The failure to meet requirement will reduces the compensation after a loss.
Under the coinsurance clause, the insurance company will reimburses the value of damages to an insured asset for at least 80% of the replacement value of the asset. The reinsurance clause allows an insurer to take the reinsurance based on the original insurance.
A stakeholder is any person or organization that has a legitimate interest in a specific project or policy decision. As an economist, whenever you are required to discuss the costs and benefits.