Some of the important aspects of the constitution include the following: The Constitution restructured Nepal into a federal republic. The Constitution divided the nation into seven provinces and completed the transition of Nepal from constitutional monarchy to republicanism and from a unitary system to federalism
Compromise is very important to a democracy because in a democracy the government is ran by the people or at least in a direct democracy its a little different for a representative democracy. Anyway compromise is important because if half of the country disagrees with the policy and the other half does politicians will typically lean towards making both sides happy with a compromise.
Really, it has nothing to with gender in my opinion, it's just whoever you find easiest to talk to probably has a similar personality to you. They may be a girl or they may not.
<span>The Government thinks it has the right to intervene in markets because it should be in charge of regulating and controlling the markets to set equal standards to everyone and, in this way,promote a fair competition. It does not mean, it should intervene in markets themselves, it just set the grounds and make people follow the law and rules </span>
W. Edwards Deming
William Edwards Deming was the famous engineer, lecturer, and management of the United States in the twentieth century. His most noted contribution laid in his methods of quality control, better design of product and extensive sale which proved to be a miracle for the economy of Japan after the second world war.