Answer: It could be Islam.
Usually, when the phrase "religion of peace" is said, the conversation is always around Islam. Peace is greatly associated with Islam. Even when Muslims greet each other, they say "asalamu alaykom," which means "peace be upon you."
As for the dressing plainly portion, Muslims are supposed to dress modestly. This means that they are supposed to avoid tight or revealing clothing.
Had it on my sociology test
What factors make intersections particularly dangerous?
This is part of the road where multiple paths intersect and drivers usually misjudge most situations associated with these paths and how they should proceed .
How can drivers actions reduce the dangers of intersection?
They need to follow every single road or driving procedures associated with intersections for example if a vehicle on your left reaches the intersection after you , you should continue driving but if it arrives first you must make sure that you yield .
When two vehicles arrives at the intersection simultaneously from different roads especially in an uncontrolled intersection where there are no stop signs or any road signs the one on the right has a right of way and the driver on the left need to yield .
Whether it is uncontrolled or controlled intersection drivers need to approach them with caution and not assume that the other drive will do that on their behalf .
Interrupted time series
According to Wikipedia, Interrupted time series analysis, sometimes known as quasi-experimental time series analysis, is an approach for the analysis of a single time series of data known or conjectured to be affected by interventions (controlled external influences).It refer to the specific point at which the intervention was implemented and allow researchers to examine the effect of an intervention where multiple observations are obtained prior to the intervention to establish a baseline.