The correct answer is known as "Centration".
Centration is described as the tendency to cognizance on one salient thing of a state of affairs and forget different, possibly applicable elements. added with the aid of the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget through her cognitive-developmental stage concept, centration is a conduct often established inside the pre-operational stage.
Some of the main ideas that were introduced during the Enlightment were having confidence in humanity's intellectual powers, a smaller amount of trust in the older forms of tradition authority, and scientific reasoning will later improve human existence.
The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures.
3 might be c since they thought it was morally wrong
2 would be maybe c yeah
Im not positive but i think 1might be a