They fall from the clouds as ice crystals.
They form around particles in the atmosphere.
They form when water vapor is converted directly to ice crystals.
Various clinical signs are seen by individuals affected by the disease. A number of options are possible for controlling this disease-causing fungus, though none has proved to be feasible on a large scale. The disease has been proposed as a contributing factor to a global decline in amphibian populations that apparently has affected about 30% of the amphibian species of the world.<span>[3]</span>
Transcription and RNA processing (splicing)
Although Howard is almost right, the DNA sequence does not precisely relate to the protein sequence. First of all, the DNA is transcribed to an primary mRNA molecule. Bur before the mRNA is ready to be translated into an amino acid sequence, it must be processed into a mature mRNA.
This includes adding a 3' poly A tail, and a 5' cap, and importantly for this question, splicing.
Splicing is the removal of non protein coding intermediate sequences called introns from the protein coding regions (exons) of a primary mRNA. This means that lots of the DNA sequence is not dictated by the final protein, as many of the intervening sequences have been removed by splicing.
African elephants flap their large ears to cool off represents B. Relationship of structure to function
The African elephants flap their ears in the air to cool off the blood that flows through them. It's working like a fan. The elephant is ada<span>pting to the environment's temperature.</span>
Because of photosynthesis