because they poor and there virginty
What best account for Marcia's feelings is that Passionate love has decreased, but Compassionate love has increased.
Passionate love can be described as a state of intense longing for union with another person. This type of love is more at the outset of a relationship. People in this state of love need to be near the other person, they may think about the other person constantly, and experience extreme distress when separated. It also includes an obsessive element, characterized by intrusive thinking, uncertainty, and mood swings. This type of love can work well at the beginning of relationships but can be hurtful in the long run.
Compassionate love is characterized by its level of intimacy. Also called companionate love, it is about intimacy, trust, commitment, and affection. In a long-term relationship, passionate love typically simmers down to compassionate love within one to two years.
People who are in compassionate love still feel passionate about one another, but the intensity typically feels less overwhelming and urgent. This type of love involves caring deeply for the other person, truly knowing the other individual, and is committed to the other person through both good times and bad.
<span>The Manifest destiny affected slavery bye needing it to grow larger and larger due to the massive gold rush found in Cali, USA.
Levinson sees the twenties as a "novice" phase of adult development.
Development goes up against new significance in adulthood in light of the fact that the procedure is never again characterized by physical and intellectual development spurts. Adulthood, which includes the lion's share of a man's life expectancy, is set apart rather by extensive psychosocial picks up that are combined with relentless yet moderate physical decay. Maybe the best‐known arrange hypothesis of grown-up advancement is that offered by Daniel Levinson . As indicated by Levinson, the ages of 17 to 45 include early adulthood, which he partitions into the novice phase (17– 33) and the culminating stage (33– 45).