To purge those of opposing religions
The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations; in most countries it started in 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s. It was the longest, deepest, and most widespread depression of the 20th century. In the 21st century, the Great Depression is commonly used as an example of how far the world's economy can decline.
The key concern that led to the separation of the church and state was the freedom of religion. Religion and politics cannot stand together because religion would control politics, and vice versa. Thus contradicting the freedom of religion.
Spanish: La inestabilidad creada en Europa por la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-18) preparó el escenario para otro conflicto internacional, la Segunda Guerra Mundial, que estalló dos décadas después y resultaría aún más devastador. Ascendiendo al poder en una Alemania económica y políticamente inestable, Adolf Hitler y su Nacionalsocialista (Partido Nazi) rearmaron la nación y firmaron tratados estratégicos con Italia y Japón para promover sus ambiciones de dominación mundial. La invasión de Hitler a Polonia en septiembre de 1939 llevó a Gran Bretaña y Francia a declarar la guerra a Alemania, y la Segunda Guerra Mundial había comenzado. Durante los próximos seis años, el conflicto cobraría más vidas y destruiría más tierras y propiedades en todo el mundo que cualquier guerra anterior. Entre los aproximadamente 45-60 millones de personas asesinadas había 6 millones de judíos asesinados en campos de concentración nazis como parte de la "Solución final" diabólica de Hitler, ahora conocida como el Holocausto.
English: The instability created in Europe by the First World War (1914-18) set the stage for another international conflict–World War II–which broke out two decades later and would prove even more devastating. Rising to power in an economically and politically unstable Germany, Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist (Nazi Party) rearmed the nation and signed strategic treaties with Italy and Japan to further his ambitions of world domination. Hitler’s invasion of Poland in September 1939 drove Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany, and World War II had begun. Over the next six years, the conflict would take more lives and destroy more land and property around the globe than any previous war. Among the estimated 45-60 million people killed were 6 million Jews murdered in Nazi concentration camps as part of Hitler’s diabolical “Final Solution,” now known as the Holocaust.