Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent many diseases. Varicella, a vaccine has been available since 2004.
QCPT code for vaccine: 90716.
CPT code for administration: 90460
There's four question:
Question 1 :
The documented procedure to be coded is vaccine and administration.
Question 2:
The main term used is for CPT is: administration of vaccines
Question 3:
The subterm used is Immunization administration that is not accompanied by physician.
Some vaccines are prescribed by the doctor, others are administered without a doctor's prescription.
Question 4:
The subterm that identify the location of the administration is intramuscular
The administration of a vaccine is usually done by the subcutaneous deep and / or intramuscular way. Oral and even nasal (spray) way exist for some vaccines, but are uncommon. The intradermal way tends to develop, and would be promising to effectively stimulate the immune system.