Because it is a hard time in life. Bodies going through changes, and emotions at an all time high.
a social media link to an article with citations written by a neurobiologist
The link is written by a neurobiologist and those people are train to know the problems in someones nervous system. Dementia and chicken pox has nothing to do with Alzheimers. The company developing a treatment for Alzheirmers isnt about Alzheirmers but just about their treatment. The social media page with a person with Alzheirmers isnt professional and they may not talk about their Alzheirmers either.
Plain and simple... exercise!
The Christian need to have his or her mind renewed to exchange the old way of thinking for God's way of thinking, and also, to be able to prove what is that good and acceptable and the perfect will of God.
A) weight
Someone's weight is not a risk factor for alcoholism because it does not directly make them want to consume alcohol. Weight gain, however, is an effect of alcoholism.
B) Studies have shown your genetics can influence alcoholism.
C) If someone is in a social environment where many people use alcohol or pressure them to, they are more likely to.
D) Consuming alcohol is risky behaviour (it can be very dangerous), and risky people do risky things.