The constitution was written on September 17, 1787 during a constitutional convention it conveyed from May 25 to September 17, 1787 it was also signed on September of 1787
Issues related to race and ethnicity, such as current movements and global issues affect career choices and options by promoting diversity, inclusion and ethics as an essential focus of discussion and paradigm shifts in society.
Current movements and multicultural environments impacted by globalization help to promote the social inclusion of marginalized groups and stereotyped by race, ethnicity, gender, religion and social class, for example.
The dissemination of information and combating discrimination, therefore, generates more inclusion and opportunity for individuals in relation to life and career options, for example, the increase of women occupying higher hierarchical positions in organizations.
Therefore, it is essential that all kinds of prejudice be fought with respect to the individualities and sociocultural values of each person, in order to build a fairer society for all.
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Was there any options with it? If so, can I see the choices?
4. Colonización portuguesa de Brasil
Por Amelia Meyer
Aunque estuvo habitado durante mucho tiempo por tribus y asentamientos prehistóricos, Brasil experimentó un tipo de habitación completamente nuevo durante el siglo XVI. En abril de 1500, los portugueses llegaron a las costas bahianas del río Buranhém, bajo la dirección de Pedro Alvares Cabral. Estos documentaron haber visto a habitantes indígenas al desembarcar en la playa, quienes los recibieron con ofrendas de paz de tocados hechos con plumas de loro.
Aunque los marineros portugueses se quedaron solo nueve días, los indígenas pronto quedaron fascinados por las herramientas de hierro utilizadas, la observancia del servicio católico y las bebidas alcohólicas que observaban. Debido a este interés percibido en la religión católica romana, los portugueses asumieron que estos se convertirían rápidamente al cristianismo una vez educados.
Civil, no laws where broken and it isn't a matter of someones rights being broken and this didn't happen on a military base so therefore it is a civil case between two parties.