The christians that Cabeza de Vaca met were spaniards in the lands of New Spain (Modern-day Mexico).
Álvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca and other men explored American southwhest meeting many american tribes in what is now the states of Florida, Texas, California and Mexico, among others. His expedition was filled with difficulties since the very beginning. There were very few companions with him when they met some spaniards near the gluf of California. They were found in the lands of New Spain (Now Mexico) and the they were sent to Mexico City where they could sail back to Europe.
D (4.) Courses are available on the Internet, starting in kindergarten.
For students who cannot go to school there is home schooling/ virtual schooling now. This provides parents and children easy affordable online classes so that their children can still get an education.
The Northeast Corridor was built by several railroads between the 1830s and 1917. The route was later consolidated under two railroads: the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad (NYNH&H) between Boston and New York, and the Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) between New York and Washington.