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Procter & gamble has separate departments for the tide, pampers, Charmin, and pringles. this is an example of departmentalization by product.
A departmentalization is an organizational structure that divides people into groups or departments based on certain criteria. These departments have their own leadership and work together to complete tasks. Multiple departments can work together on large or complex projects.
departmentalization refers to the process of dividing and grouping activities. The division of labor creates specialists who need to be coordinated. This alignment is facilitated by grouping experts into departments.
His five types of departmentalization are described and listed below. a) functional divisional organization b) product divisional organization c) customer divisional organization d) geographic and process. e) Matrix sectorization
Learn more about departmentalization here: brainly.com/question/25823018
Answer: My life
Explanation: Because without it, there are no weakness.
Answer. Unlimited government
The principle of Utility states that an action then may be said to be conformable to the principle of utility, or, for shortness sake, to utility, (meaning with respect to the community at large) when the tendency it has to augment the happiness of the community is greater than any it has to diminish it.
The idea that "it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and evil" is what Bentham referred to as the "basic premise" of his philosophy. He rose to prominence as a key figure in Anglo-American philosophy of law and as a political radical whose ideas helped shape welfarism. He supported freedoms of the individual and the economy, the division of religion and state, freedom of speech, the equality of women, the right to divorce.
Learn more about Jeremy Bentham here: