The interesting this about the people oft he Ancient Indus Valley is that the people seem to have just disappeared, and historians and archeologists cannot figure out what happened.
One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into my pajamas I'll never know.
Answer: social contract
Explanation: Because Ginny's mother has accompanied her daughter on multiple occasions she has both taught and tested her on the safety rules. Ginny has demonstrated mastery of them and consistency in their application. Consequently, Ginny agrees to follow the rules and in exchange her mother allows to go to the park unaccompanied.
A Spanish treatment of the Native Americans was poor. Spanish explorers considered the natives inferior. Consequently, they forcibly converted natives to Christianity, confined them to slavery and murdered them.
Why? The Spanish, for the most part, treated the Native Americans poorly. The Spanish were interested in the riches of the Americas, and they had no problem in forcing the Native Americans into slavery so they could mine the gold and the silver for Spain