I suppose the yellow peg is facing the green peg, in which case the green peg must be guanine.
The bases are associated in pairs. In each pair there is always a purine associated with a pyrimidine. The association is by weak bonds: the hydrogen bonds, two bonds for an AT pair; three links for a GC pair. When we know the sequence of one strand we can deduce the sequence of the other strand. The two strands are oriented opposite to the 3 'and 5' ends (the strands are called antiparallel).
Female reproductive system is comprised of ovary, fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina. In humans, female have two ovaries that release egg at the time of ovulation. The egg is released in fallopian tube, where it gets fertilized with male sperm to form zygote. The uterus is nurturing organ for developing zygote till the delivery of fetus. The vagina acts as opening for the uterus.
Male reproductive system is comprised of testis, vas deference, urethra, and p3nis. Testis is responsible for the synthesis of sperms or male gametes. From testes, sperms are transported to vas deference via epididymis and ejaculated through urethra.
I looked it up
Mitosis goes in the order of PMAT, or Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase.
Prophase is when the nuclear envelope breaks down and the chromosomes are visible. Metaphase is when the chromosomes line up in the middle. Anaphase is when the spindle fibers pull the centromeres apart. Telophase is when the chromosomes go to the opposite sides and the nuclear envelope reappears.
A simple microscope
Because it only has a single lens