The answer is (C), because, red blood cells or wbc regulate body temperature (Idr), wbc fight infections, and rbc transport nutrients
The plasma membrane is responsible for maintaing B: homeostasis
Intertidal zone-Referred sometimes as foreshore,which is area above water at low tide and under water at high tide
(A): DNA and protein
(B): The case for proteins appeared stronger until the 1940s, especially since biochemists had identified them as a class of macromolecules with great heterogeneity and function specificity, essential requirements for the hereditary material. Moreover, little was known about nucleic acids, the physical and chemical properties of which seemed far too uniform to account for the multitude of specific hereditary traits of each organism
(C): Virulent strains are pathogenic (causing disease), whereas non-virulent strains are non-pathogenic (harmless) strains.