In order to earn money and produce goods that improve lives, self-directed gain would provide jobs, and subsequently wages for others.
The way people can become wealthy by their own efforts is to sell what they produce to others. As the business grows, labor is hired to produce more. This is the 'invisible hand' concept that turns self-directed gain into social and economic benefits for all.
The marginal benefit from the activity is equal to the marginal cost
Um what’s the answer choices?
c. Normative ethics
Ethics involves the study of the moral principles and guidelines that determines how an individual behaves. Since people and organizations operate in a social environment, where they interact with other organizations and people, ethics has to be considered to improve how people and organizations act and behave.
1. Substantive ethics
Substantive ethics involves the formulation of guiding principles that can be used during cases of ethical dilemma.
2. Emotional ethics
It consists of the feeling and intuition that play a major role into how people behave in a given situation.
3. Normative ethics
It involves the study of ethics by looking at how an individual ought to act and the implications of that behavior. It involves asking questions about how one needs to behave in a given situation then considering the ethics of that action. It is a kind of predetermined cause of action that an individual is supposed to apply in order to arrive at specific ethical behavior.
4. Behavioral ethics
Behavioral ethics involves the study of ethical and unethical behavior and coming up with reasons as to why individuals choose to behave ethically or unethically.
Before the foundation of the United States, the Kingdom of Britain owned the 13 colonies on the East shore of North America. Those colonies were separated into 3 regions: the New England, the Middle Colonies, the Southern Colonies. Economic activities and trade was dependent of the environment in each of those regions. Economy in the New England : ship building industry, fishing, trade. Economy in the Middle Colonies: farming, lot of jobs for skilled workers. Also merchants invested money in colonies. In the Southern Colonies: cotton and tobacco-industry. The economy impact the livelihood of the original 13 colonies by giving jobs and money to the colonists.