The high nutrient and low GL (Glycemic load) food are one of the best and perfect diet food for the diabetics patient. Many conventional type of the diabetes diets helps for prevention the diabetes.
The diabetes diets must include many type of grains and meat, these are the major source of calorie for the diabetes patient. Non starch vegetables, fruits, nuts are the major food diet for the diabetes.
Sugar and refined gains are basically harmful for the diabetes patients and for preventing the diabetics.
The most important properties of an ideal drug are: effectiveness, safety, and selectivity. If the drug is not effective, it should not be used. There is no such drug as safe drug: all drugs can cause harm. There is no such thing as selective drug: all drugs can cause side effects.
I think It's.... Sickness and diseases
Medicaid is the only program that covers nursing home care.
a growing population, aging seniors, disease prevalence or incidence, medical service utilization, and service price and intensity.