Location 2 is cooler than Location 3 and Location 1 because it's at a higher altitude
Cilia and flagellum are made up of microtubules.
Cytoskeletal filaments are structures which allow movement. In cilia and flagella, the cytoskeletal filaments are present in the form of microtubules and the primary work of these structures is to facilitate in movement.
Cilia is also present in mammals to facilitate the movement of fluids in cells.
Structurally, there is no difference between cilia and flagella. The only difference between cilia and flagella is in their lengths.
Interphase and Mitosis. Interphase is where the growth of the cell occurs, and it also tends to get various nutrients that it needs for growing. Mitosis is happens once the cell splits into two, and so on once the duplicated cells start to perform interphase once again.<span>distinct cells, often called "daughter cells".</span>
Human beings are not able to store protein. The human body can break down its muscle tissue to get certain amino acids, but it does not has specialized cells to store protein efficiently unlike it does fat and carbohydrate. For this reason, eating protein regularly is of great importance.
A. T-A-C-G-A-T
A and T pair together, and G and C pair together. There are no U’s because U’s are in RNA, not DNA.