One question is this supposed to be multiple choice?
This probably wont be the MOST accurate but this is the knowledge of a 6th grader (i tried)
Plants get their food from photosynthesising, they get their energy ffrom the sun and the chlorophyll is what capturers the suns energy. And once the suns energy has been caught then the electrons move around almost like they are excited to get the energy from the sun (the way some people get excited after consuming sugar a.k.a getting hyper) And the electrons are "jumping" in the thylakoid membrane. now there is enough energy to drive to the 2nd phase.
ADP becomes ATP that is when it is gaining more phosphate. Then the NADP gets more hydrogen to be able to store the energy now it has the hydrogen so it becomes.....NADPH. That is also kind of phase 3 the Calvin Cycle where G3P goes on to make glucose.
An animal gets energy from consuming the plants or other animals and sometimes even eating their own kind. Animals like deer, rabbits, moneys, pandas they all eat plants and or fruits. Because they get their energy from the plants and as said before that the plants get it from the sun. So basically all kinds of animals depend on the plants but some ocean creature dont really depend on plants but in some ways they do. Because not only for food, but for oxygen.
As you may have noticed i kinda know more about plants but soon i will be learning about animals since we are still learning about eukaryotic organisnisms.
Hope this helps. And have a great day! :)
Nuclear Has The Highest Capacity Factor
That's about 1.5 to 2 times more as natural gas and coal units, and 2.5 to 3.5 times more reliable than wind and solar plants.
Dissimilar organisms might have evolved from a distant, common ancestor.
First of all we should know species. Species is considered as a basic unit of taxonomic classification of an organism.
Initially, the scientists are agreed on this phenomenon that all distinct species are evolved gradually from common ancestor. Today, the species which are different from each other just like hummingbirds, humans and whales are from the same ancestor but with the time passage genetic mutation occurs and at the end dissimilar organisms we can see in our environment/surroundings.
In epistasis, the interaction between genes is inimical, such that one gene masks or interferes with the expression of another. “Epistasis” is a word coined of Greek roots that mean “standing upon.” The alleles that are being masked or silenced are said to be hypostatic to the epistatic alleles that are doing the masking. The cause of the biochemical basis of epistasis is a genetic pathway in which the expression of one gene is dependent on the function of a gene that precedes or follows it in the pathway.
The example of epistasis given is the pigmentation of mice. we were told that "if a mouse has two recessive alleles for coat color, it is always albino no matter what the genotype of other genes involved in coat color"
Let say recessive allele (rr), it is always albino irrespective of other type of other genes, this is true in the stance that epistasis can be reciprocal such that either gene, when present in the dominant (or recessive) form, expresses the same genotype.