NOTE: Check your formula sheet if you have one these are often there.
Ac =
= rω^2
We know r = 4.00m
but what is ω?
ω =
= 2π*f
f is our frequency. we want it in seconds so we can divide by 60.
300/60 = 5rev/s
Ac = rω^2 = (4)(5)^2 = 100m/s
(b) Linear speed or v is equal to v = ω = (5)(4) = 20m/s
340 / 20 = 17
The speed of sound is 17 times faster.
NOTE: finished physics so i might be rusty and use an equation wrong. Tell me if something doesnt make sense. Im still new to this myself.
Yes because reactionary crimes can be seen as less "evil" and crimes done out of reaction may have a meaning behind them thats not as bad as if it were done out of fun or enjoyment. An example is having to hurt someone to protect yourself or being in a position where you have protect others.
I would say true? ☺ Hope this helps
d) Arousal Theory
It is also believed that strong emotions trigger the formation of strong memories, and weaker emotional experiences form weaker memories; this is called arousal theory (Christianson, 1992).
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