The most important effect of the annexation of the Mexican cession was the increase of the United States by size. Some of the surrendered territories were California, Utah, Nevada, most of Arizona, half of New Mexico, a quarter of Colorado and a small porting of Wyoming.
These are "expert and referent power".
Referent power in authority is the capacity of a pioneer to
develop the regard and deference of his supporters in such ways that they wish
to resemble him. In short, referent power is showing others how it’s done.
While expert power depends on workers' observation that a chief or some other
individual from an association has a high state of learning or a specific
arrangement of aptitudes that different representatives or individuals from the
association don't have.
I walked to the store listening music
<span>B. Consumers bid up the price, which gives larger profits to the suppliers</span>
a way for the elite to exert control focusing on punishment of the powerful
The conflict theorist hold the belief that social interaction is on the basis of conflict due to competition for the limited resources. It further believes that in this state of conflict, social order can only be maintained by the domination and power by a group over another. The criminal justice system is a tool designed by the elites to maintain their power and and domination focusing on punishment