Each individual data items of record is called field (letter A).
The client may communicate with Proxy server to use a protocol to proxy the communication between the client and the DBMS. Proxy servers lets you hide your real Ip address and replaces it with a new IP obtained from proxy server sites.
n where n is the number of chances user takes to enter a blank number and n>=1.
The loop starts with a universal condition where it is initialized using a true value. Hence the iteration count goes to 1. The user is asked to enter a number after 1st iteration. If number is a blank number, the loop is terminated, else the loop goes on until the users enters a blank number. Hence the iterations depend on the number of chances taken by the user to enter a blank number. Since the user is going to enter a number at least once, the minimum value of n will be 1.
Color contrast is the difference in light between font (or anything in the foreground) and its background.
In web accessibility, how well one color stands out from another color determines whether or not most people will be able to read the information.
Contrast makes things look different and stand out
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