Could you be more specific? So I can help you in the best way I can.
Multitasking is a process in which we do multiple task at a time.
In computing system, multitasking is the concept of performing different types of multiple task and process over a certain period of time by executing simultaneously.
Operating system basically allow various task to run simultaneously by the user. In an operating system, each task consume storage system and all the other resources.
Multitasking function facilitate memory isolation in the processor and also supported different levels of security system in the operating system. For example, "a programmer working on any program in a system and as well as listening the music then, it perform multiple task at the same time".
Network Interface Card (NIC)
Also called Ethernet Card, the Network Interface Card (NIC) allows a computer or any device to make wired or wireless connections with other devices in a network. This connection made possible by the NIC allows the device to send and receive messages in the network.
An application of this is seen in Internet of Things(IoT) where devices communicate with one another. This is actually possible because all of the devices one way or the other have a network interface card.
Laurence can write 10 programs while Carrie Anne can write 5.
Laurence can make 6 sunglasses while Carrie Anne can make 4
An enqueue operation is a function that adds an element(value) to a queue array. A dequeue operations removes an element from a queue array. Queue arrays follow a first-in-first-out approach, so elements that are first stored in the queue are removed/accessed first(enqueue operations add elements at the rear of the queue array).
The following operations leave 10 elements in the queue of array size 12 after its done:
10 enqueue operations= adds 10 elements
5 dequeue operations= removes 5 elements( 5 elements left in queue)
6 enqueue operations= adds 6 elements(11 elements in queue)
10 dequeue operations= removes 10 elements(1 element left in queue)
8 enqueue operations= adds 8 elements(9 elements in queue)
2 dequeue operations= removes 2 elements(7 elements left in queue)
3 enqueue operations= adds 3 elements(10 elements in queue)
Therefore there are 10 elements in the queue after enqueue and dequeue operations.