E) In the majority of states, the landlord is required to remove the previous tenant or break the agreement with the new tenant.
The landlord will be required to have the previous tenant Eliza who is illegally( we are assuming) occupying the apartment, leave the apartment or he would be breaking the agreement with the new tenant. In some states in the US such as Chicago, the landlord would have to serve a notice to the tenant, and begin formal proceedings after which he may proceed to file a forcible entry or detainer action against the tenant if he remains in the property after expiration of appropriate number of days since notice was served. Eviction proceedings are relatively fast(a few weeks, unless the tenant files a defense) and are handled by local courts He may have to reimburse and settle the new tenant for any damages suffered.
I believe they were justified in destroying the tea. The British killed many in the Boston Massacre and it was right that we respond with great resistance.
I believe they weren't justified in destroying the tea. It was not at all peaceful protesting, and they weren't truly accomplishing anything other than wasting tea.
Identifying conflicting goals is part of conflict analysis, also called conflict assessment which is an initial step in the conflict resolution process. Identifying conflicting goal seeks to gain a deeper appreciation of the issues causing the conflict which contributes to coming up with resolutions
The 1960 Chilean earthquake reached 9.5 magnitude on May 22 May 1960.
A. Determine its authenticity