A beggars dream
One day he was given a bucket of milk by a generous man. He brought the milk home and kept it beside him. He had a dream. He started his own dairy. He earned good money from his dairy. He purchased many more buffaloes and cows with his profit. Soon he was able to make a lot of money and built his own house. He was rich. He got married and got children. They played around making a noise. To make them quiet, he ran after them. He began to move his legs rapidly. In doing so, he hit the milk pot with one of his legs. The pot with milk broke. The milk was spilled all over the floor. He came to reality and realized daydream is good for nothing.
Moral: One bird in hand is better than two in the bush.
Never understood him either sorry
Scrooge in dickens' A Christmas Carol i miserly an greedy
He is so cheap that he won't allow his clerk to put another coal on the fire even though the room is freezing.It is Christmastime and several men visit Scrogs's office to collect money to buy food for a feast for the poor. Scrooge angrily refuses and throws the men out of his office.
Is it the Frankenstein book? And if it is here: He accused Victor of leaving him alone in a world that did not want or understand him. The creature demand Victor create a mate for him so he would not be alone, promising he and the new creature would flee to South America and avoid people forever.
Here you go✨