Austria-Hungary was a powerful country that existed during the 19th century and until the beginning of the 20th century. It was located in Central Europe and the Balkan Peninsula, including the territories of modern day Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, northern Italy, southern Poland, western Ukraine, northern and western Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and northern Serbia (Vojvodina). Multiple nations were not happy by the rule of Austria-Hungary, so they openly opposed it and were trying to get independence, with Bosnia and Serbia being some of those states. Bosnia and Serbia managed to gain independence only after the Austria-Hungary Empire fell apart, so both of them became part of the newly form Kingdom of SHS.
The Qing Dynasty was deposed in 1911, following a revolution that had been building since 1894, when Sun Zhongshan, a western-educated revolutionary, founded the Revive China Society in Hawaii, then Hong Kong.
He colonized the Americas and kickstarted their progress to what we know today. He also made a place for people to have a fresh start by moving to the New World. He did however kill many native people and also bought diseases that killed even more native people. In conclusion we should recognize him for what he did towards the progression of the New World whilst knowing the bad things he committed.
the demand for goods increased as goods became cheaper to produce