Answer: c. Point B has an elevation less than 2750 feet.
The lines drawn on the map are known as contour lines and they are used to measure elevation. Point B is on a river and rivers are only able to flow at a lower elevation than the area around them.
Point B is therefore lower than the area around it and as the closest contour line to it puts the area at an elevation of 2,750 feet, that must mean that Point B is lower than 2,750 feet.
An allele is a viable DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) coding that occupies a given locus on a chromosome. Usually alleles are sequences that code for a gene, but sometimes the term is used to refer to a non-gene sequence. An individual's genotype for that gene is the set of alleles it happens to possess.
This is true , trees loose their leaves as a part of growth, also in seasons they loose leaves.
Example of multi cropping is tomatoes+onions+marigold