President Ronald Reagan rejected the theory of Keynesian economics, this theory proposed by John Maynard Keynes, embodied in his work General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, published in 1936 in response to the Great Depression of 1929, the central principle of this school of thought is that state intervention can stabilize the economy, Keynesianism is one of the best-known economic theories, its main characteristic is that it supports interventionism as the best way out of a crisis and as a mechanism to stimulate demand and regulate the economy in times of depression.
C.The social construction of race </h2>
Race is a social construct, it is not biological. There are no genes common to all whites and blacks so race cannot be genetically verified and it were true then the classification of people based on race would have been constant across boundaries, but it is not so because a person who is categorised as black in US might be considered white in Latin american countries.
The Greeks, Poles, Italian and Hungarian migrants were not considered to be whites in 1800s and 1900s, they tried to overcome it by showing through behaviour that they were worthy of being called white. The people form Netherlands,Ireland,Scandinavian countries and Germany were considered to be white.
The Americans were afraid that the foreigners would bring peculiar religious practices and substandard ways of living and religious practises to this country , that would bring down this civilisation.
The Mexican-American War, waged between the United States and Mexico from 1846 to 1848, helped to fulfill America's "manifest destiny" to expand its territory across the entire North American continent.
The peaks and valleys of the Rocky Mountains.