The north and the south differed in a couple of ways in the mid 1800's, economically and socially which contributed to a rise of regional populations with contrasting values, ideologies and visions for the future. The differences includes; vast industry and immigration in the north, established agriculture in the south and slave trade carried out in the south.
The White Man's Burden is a poem by Rudyard Kipling. Although the poem has deeper meanings, a direct reading was popularized from the dominant points of view at the time, justifying as a noble enterprise, an ungrateful and altruistic obligatio, the domain of " white man" on those defined as "inferior races".
Apparently, in a superficial reading, the subject is a rhetorical mandate to the white man to colonize the other races for the benefit of them, being their "burden" both the task and the people themselves to colonize. Because of this issue, as well as the resounding title, it soon became an emblem of colonial rule and white supremacists.
Airplanes were vital for ww1 to ease transport of amo and soon guns on the planes including bombs this made it easier for to launch quick air strikes on places like bases vulnerable to air strikes
Because the people who did live in the new world didn't have this technology therefore they didn't know how to fight back against it
The countries that were separated from the West by the iron curtain were Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Poland, and Yugoslavia.