If an infant of a diabetic mother is admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit, the nurse should EVALUATE THE EFFECT OF MOTHER GLUCOSE LEVEL IN THE INFANT BY PERFORMING A BLOOD TEST ON THE NEWBORN. This test is known as Heel Stick Blood Test. It is used to determine the blood glucose level in the infant.
Biological hazary are natural scenarios involving disease, disability or death on a large scale among humans, animals and plants due to micro-organisms like bacteria, or virus or toxins.
The H1N1 virus (Cause 9f Swine flu) is believed to have begun its deadly journey in pigs from a small region of central Mexico in January 2009. By March, the first cases were reported in California and Texas. By June, it was in 74 countries across the globe. A year later, when the WHO declared an end to the pandemic, between 151,700 and 575,400 people had died.
A massive global vaccine effort led by the US helped end the pandemic, but the H1N1 virus is still with us. Every year it circulates as a seasonal flu, causing sickness, hospitalisation and dead
Aquatic plants
Aquatic biomass is energy crops which do not remain competitive for territory or any other energy with food plants. Aquatic biomass consists of various micro, macro- and aquatic plant species. The highest priority has been given to HTL treating aquatic biomass because microalgae are suitable for use and can potentially deliver the highest levels of biomass per area. Aquatic biomass, such as seaweed, algae and aquatic plants, is likely to achieve part of the growing biomass want.
A bacterium called Vibrio cholerae causes cholera infection. The deadly effects of the disease are the result of a toxin the bacteria produces in the small intestine. The toxin causes the body to secrete enormous amounts of water, leading to diarrhea and a rapid loss of fluids and salts (electrolytes).