The Monroe Doctrine, established by President James Monroe in colonization in Latin America, Secretary of State John Quincy Adams argued that joining forces with the British could limit future U.S. opportunities for expansion, and that it clearly did not have the military or naval power to back up its.
plz mark as brainliest
be a citizen of the United States
be a legal resident of Georgia and of the county in which you want to vote
be 18 years old within six months after the day of registration, and be 18 years old to vote
not be serving a sentence for conviction of a felony involving moral turpitude
not have been judicially determined to be mentally incompetent, unless the disability has been removed
Mores determine what is considered moral and ethical behavior, which makes them more strict than folkways. One difference between a more and a folkway is the following: Mores may carry serious consequences if violated; folkways do not. Folkways on the other hand are norms for routine or casual interaction.
Due process give everyone convicted a fair chance in the eyes of the law
MERCOSUR is an abbreviation of "Mercado Comun del Sur": common market of the South America: most of the eastern South American coutries are members of this common market.
It's a trade block of countries in South America which promotes free trade and free movement of people.