It is B attributional bias. <span>In psychology, an </span>attribution bias<span> or </span>attributional bias<span>is a cognitive </span>bias<span> that refers to the systematic errors made when people evaluate or try to find reasons for their own and others' behaviors.</span>
In haste decisions are poor
Answer:b. Learning is a process and takes time
Explanation:Students may not learn right away, maybe because a tutor need to change his strategy or maybe he still needs to teach them particular strategies that will help them acquire information and be able to use it in the future.
This will require time for both the students and the tutor.
They both need to understand each other figure out ways to study or learn better .
The tutor and the students need to evaluate together why the tutoring is not successful and look for ways to improve .
<em>50 percent </em>
<em>Behavioral genetics</em><em> is described as the study of environmental and genetic influences on an organism's behaviors. However, by examining or analyzing the genetic influence, a lot more information can be collected related to the process of how a specific environment is being operated to affect an organism's behavior. </em>
<em>According to behavioral geneticist,</em><em> about fifty percent of the variations that are being seen in an organism's personality traits can be attributable to the genetic difference as every organism possess different genetic compilation. </em>