Fruit flies share 75% of the genes that cause diseases with humans, so scientists can learn about human genetics by studying fruit fly genetics.
Answer: c. Self-hatred because of one's homosexuality
Internalized homophobia is a feeling of self disgust or hatred which is also called as a feeling of internal oppression. This appears when a person a person develops sexual desire for the person of a same sex that is development of homosexuality. People become gay, lesbian and bisexual. This is related with feeling of stress, anger and unsatisfaction.
<span>Eating away from home is playing an increasing large role in the diet and the household budgets of American families. Back in 1970 approximately 26 percent of all food spending was on food away from home; by 2012, that amount had risen to 43 percent. The increase can be attributed to a greater percentage of women employed outside the home, more two-earner households with the resulting higher incomes, as well as more affordable and convenient fast food outlets. The downfall of this statistic is the contribution all that fast food makes to higher levels of obesity and lower dietary nutritional quality.</span>
<span>Answer: Biodiversity</span>
The suppression of forest fires causes a decrease in biodiversity because
some habitats require exposure to fire. Most ecosystems of savanna, chaparral
and coniferous forests have developed with fire as an essential contributor to habitat’s vigor
and regeneration.
Additionally, wildfire suppression eliminates plant species
in fire-affected environments that require fire to germinate, established, or to
reproduce. Also, animals that depend on these plants will be affected too.
Answer and explanation:
Among the main evidences of the theory of continental drift, we can mention the fit of the lines of the coasts of several continents, In addition to the similarity between several relief structures and rocks in different continents (such as mountain ranges found in South America and on the east coast of Africa).
There are also records of fossils of identical extinct plants, found on the African continent and also in countries like Australia, India and Brazil, for example.
Identical reptile fossils have also been found in Africa and South America, in addition to several correlations in the distribution of aquatic dinosaur fossils that lived in common areas of the ancient supercontinent.