Geographically, the state of Ohio falls within the lines of latitude of 75 °W and 90 °W. The timezone corresponding to this portion of the globe is eastern standard time (EST). The prime meridian at 0 °, has the timezone greenwich mean time (GMT) from which all other timezones are referenced. And eastern standard time, local time in Ohio, will be 5 hours behind GMT.
D: The protocols of the Internet are open and used by all devices connected to the network
There are billions of devices connected to the Internet, and hundreds of different kinds of devices: laptops, tablets, phones, refrigerators, handheld credit card readers, and so on. Protocols (standards) ensure that the variety of devices interact with each other smoothly. There are a lot of protocols! The Internet was designed with several layers of abstraction that sort the protocols according to what part of the process they support.
An observation: Java does not support true multi-dimensional arrays; rather, it supports 1-dimensional arrays, where each element can itself be another 1-dimensional array. The difference is the way memory is allocated, where a[i][j] differs from a[i,j].
Direct traffics.
This channel refers to those traffics that came directly and without any via.