One-year-old Ainsley who learned the schema for trucks because his family has a truck. When Ainsley sees trucks on television, Ainsley says, "Look mommy, truck!" Whenever she sees trucks on television. This is a typical example or demonstration of assimilation
Assimilation is the procedure of absorbing and fully grasping information or ideas.
Assimilation can further be seen as the steps or procedure of assimilating, or of absorbing information, experiences or something, Or the state of being assimilated, or of being absorbed into something or information
<h3><em>These children [to be sacrificed to the mountain and other gods] would be collected from all over the land and would be carried in litters together … They should be very well dressed, paired up female and male.</em></h3><h2><em><u>Juan de Betanzos, 1551</u></em></h2><h3><em>Human nature would not allow them to kill their own children … if they did not expect some reward for what they were doing or if they did not believe that they were sending their children to a better place.</em></h3>
income tax
A corporate tax, also called corporation tax or company tax, is a direct tax imposed by a jurisdiction on the income
Descriptive interpretation
The options for this question are missing, the options are
Genetic interpretation
Productive interpretation
Descriptive interpretation
Evaluative interpretation
During counseling, sometimes counselors apply tests and they later give interpretation of them. Tests collect information of the client to analyze and identify problems, a treatment or a diagnose. Test interpretation refers to the process of analyzing the answers of the test and translate them into data that is helpful to reach these goals.
A descriptive interpretation of the data is done when the counselor explains to the test taker their current situation (the current state of things, current problem, etc), they don't make interpretations but only explain what they see according to the test.
Thus, when the counselor provides information on the current status of the test taker, the counselor is giving a descriptive interpretation.
Natural resource is a key input in the production process that stimulates economic growth. Natural resources have limited direct economic use in satisfying human needs but transforming them into goods and services enhances their economic value to the society.