Give at least one reason why it's useful to learn how to solve and program solutions with a limited set of commands. So that when there is more commands we know how to use the ones we have. parameters help generalize the solution to a specific problem. how are functions with parameters an example of abstraction?
key differences between linux and windows operating system linux is free and open resource whereas windows is a commercial operating system whose source code is inaccessible windows is not customizable as against linux is customizable and a user can modify the code and can change it looks and feels
I hope this helps
The answer is cooperation
National Computer Corporation (NCC) employs Cynthia as an agent. NCC gives her an exclusive territory in which to sell NCC products. NCC cannot compete with her in that territory under the duty of cooperation
<span>Program "editor" </span>let programmers write code using a word processing-like interface.
This is utilized by programming software engineers; gives them a chance to compose code utilizing a word processing like interface that usually includes functions, like, AutoCorrect and is also called text editor.
Details view provides the most information at a glance.
<h3>Which view in File Explorer can you use to sort files by column heading?</h3>
In Explorer windows, files and folders appear in lists with headings at the top in Details view. You can use the headings to change how files are displayed in the window. You can use filtering and sorting to display the files and folders you want.
<h3>What is the command to display the list of files in a directory?</h3>
Use the ls command to display the contents of a directory. The ls command writes to standard output the contents of each specified Directory or the name of each specified File, along with any other information you ask for with the flags.
To learn more about Details view, refer