Following are the declaration with the datatypes
int age; // variable age of int types
boolean gender; // variable gender of boolean type
double height; // variable height of double types
int weight; // variable weight of int types
Here we writing a personal program that store the age,gender,height,weight.
age of type integer because age are in integer value.
gender is type of boolean because boolean is return true or false .
height is type of double because height may be in floating value.
weight is type of integer because weight are in integer value.
The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.
There are containers and empty elements or tags in computer discipline such as in HTML language.
Empty element:
These are the elements are the tags that have no content inside them and these elements or tags do not have end tags. for example the break tag in HTML such as <br> etc.
Container elements or tags:
These elements or tags have content inside them, they have opening and closing tags, unlike empty tags. for example paragraph tag, bold tag, and italic tag. These tags have opening and as well as closing tags. and between them, there is some content inside them.
the example of container tags is given below:
- <html> html code / html contents</html>
- <p>this is a<b>pargraph</b>container</p>