18+ and you work 35+ hours per week to learn.
C - 'cause the society is industrializing and needs factory workers
potential energy: energy that is not released yet
ie. a yoyo before it's released, a book on a table before it falls, a roller coaster on the peak before it falls
kinetic energy: released energy
ie: moving car, windmill in motion
Answer: deception;debriefed
Deception during the research occurs when the participants are not given the fully information about the research that they are participating on or they are given the incorrect information about what the research is about .
This is usually done in order to receive bias free answers because when people know what the research is about they may sometimes answer in a way that will give a particular response that they feel is expected theirfore not being completely true.
A debriefing is now done to establish how people felt about the actual research or research question after they have already participated in a research in order to receive a feedback report . This is where everything in now explained to them properly and accurately.
A) Federalists.
Federalists believed in a strong centralized government while anti federalists believed in the spreading of powers amongst states