Answer: B) a self-concept.
A self-concept is known to be the ability of an individual to be conscious of his person as a result of his thought, assessment, behaviours, actions, uniqueness and so on. In essence, it is the attributes and features which makes an individual to be who he is and not someone else. Thus, it is the awareness and perception of how one view and sees himself.
Article V sets no time limit within which the states must act on proposed amendments. The Framers supposed that the ratification process would occur at roughly the same time throughout the country. ratification of the constitution itself took nine months; the bill of rights was ratified in just over two years.
What are the choices?
I'd go with a university or gov or edu source or other credible one.
N reality, traditional values refers to the standards and values which were embraced by most Americans from it’s earliest beginnings and throughout the majority of its history. It is believed by many, including myself, that these values were a great part of what made America a great and free nation — the absence of which, will likely result in the further decline of our country.