first the Congress proposes a bill then accepted by the president ( the president can also veto) then pass through judicial branch and it decides if it's constitutional
1. At the review mirror.
2. Blind spots.
3. Signal.
When driving an automobile and a driver decided to have a lane change, he or she must understand and do three things always. These things are the following:
1. When a lane change must be made, look AT THE REVIEW MIRROR.
2. Glance behind to check BLIND SPOTS.
3. Always SIGNAL lane changes.
For number 26, it is all of the above.
The answer is spontaneous recovery.
Regarding theories of learning and conditioning, spontenous recovery is a term used to describe the sudden reappearance of a reponse that was believed to be extinct. It may occur even after a long time without any exposure to the stimulus (the geese in this example).
Spontaneous recovery demonstrates that an extinct response is <u>not</u> the same as an unlearned response. In other words, some behaviours may never be fully eliminated.
Behind that line lie all the capitals of the Ancient states of central and Eastern Europe