Ramakrishna, originally called Gadadhar Chatterji or Gadadhar Chattopadhyaya, (born February 18, 1836, Hooghly [now Hugli], Bengal state, India—died August 16, 1886, Calcutta [now Kolkata]), Hindu religious leader, founder of the school of religious thought that became the Ramakrishna Order.
Monte Cristo now engages in a clever, complex ruse to win the good graces of the Danglars and Villefort families. He instructs Bertuccio to purchase Danglars’s two most beautiful horses for twice their asking price, knowing that these horses actually belong to Madame Danglars. With these two horses attached to his coach, Monte Cristo then visits Danglars at home in order to open an unlimited credit account with him, an act that astonishes and humbles Danglars.
The relative location of babylon in mesopotamia is Sumer
it is broader than the story.
A strong theme is not only the main idea in which a writer's work is based, it is also bigger than the story. It is probably the message the author wanted to send to his or her readers by writing the story, it might have been the objective of it all. It could have had addressed previously by the author in another work, he or she could have based many stories on that theme or may be just that one, but a theme can be addressed by many authors in many ways along history of literature.