"Last year I was diagnosed with HPV."
Although the client has come for a contraceptive, once the client indicates having been diagnosed with HPV, it is recommended that the nurse would recommend male or female condoms as a way to stop further spread of the virus. Although HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection that most times goes away by itself, it is very important for the nurse to recommend a solution that will stop the spread because some types of HPV can lead to genital warts or even cancer.
The answer is red blood cells because they only give your body oxygen and can be the victims of infectious diseases, while all the other choices protect you from it
1. underweight
2. yes, making sure i am getting all of the nutrients by body needs on a daily, sleeping well, and staying hydrated
3. family can sometimes influence my health by making comments regarding my weight.
4. if you need to find out about a specific health issue, it is a good idea to your doctor or physician.
5. I think that that biggest health concern in facing our country is definitely the diet, that most states have adapted. The lack of nutrients in most foods.
6. You can practice mindfulness, listen to how your body is feeling, attend all check ups etc.
7. You can talk to friends and family about it. Especially if it’s someone you know is experiencing trouble with weight/body image.
8. Social Media plays a big role in the concerns we have for our health by spotlighting unrealistic body image for both genders, and by glamorizing things such as eating disorders.
9. Yes, I am comfortable with how fit i am right now.
10. for both eating and exercise routines, whats helped me the most is mainly consistency. For eating...2 fruits a day, 3 meals, and at least 48 ounces of water. For exercise...going on at least a mile run every single day, 1 hour of workouts in the garage
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