Explanation: Floral or vegetal designs
Geometric shapes and patterns
Answer: A major weakness for the Continental Army was manpower; they were always short of qualified and capable men. General George Washington routinely had no more than 20,000 troops at one time and place.
For the taxes one: Strength: Tax benefits are often created as a type of incentive for promoting responsible behaviors or commercial activities.
For the taxes one: You could do weakness: Taxation has the potential to decrease consumer spending, because taxes take money away from consumers and reduce disposable income. Lower consumer spending tends to decrease business revenue, which can put negative pressure on hiring and investment.
Hope these answers helped you
Back to the revolutionary war french help the 13 colonies break free of taxes as you know the 13 colonies dressed up as native Americans and threw the tea into the sea.
This suggests that Texas has relatively stringent eligibility <span>requirements for Medicaid.
A lot of people in Texas are very poor and they cannot afford to enroll in Medicaid. The rules to enroll in Medicaid are very stringent, which means that they are very strict, and that the requirements for eligibility are rather harsh, so not everyone can enroll in it - especially the poor.