MLA Style says numbers that can be written in one or two words (three, fifteen, seventy-six, one thousand, twelve billion) and to use numerals for other numbers (2¾; 584; 1,001; 25,000,000). APA Style, uses words for numbers below 10 and numerals for numbers 10 and above.
It took planning and perseverance to be successful.
In the 18th century, the most ancient known Indo-European languages were those of the ancient Indo-Iranians. The word Aryan was therefore adopted to refer not only to the Indo-Iranian peoples, but also to native Indo-European speakers as a whole, including the Romans, Greeks, and the Germanic peoples, give brainliest please
3-) tell I'm. It sure ab the others
If u agree, start with:
I agree with the film that love is not permanent because....
If u disagree, say:
Despite, what the film is portraying, I disagree. I believe that love is likely to be permanent because....