First, an agricultural system would need to be set up in order to start off the economy and supply the nation with resources and supplies to trade. A basic education would need to be started off, mainly vocational so that the country can build up its working force. A healthcare system would need to be implemented, along with a tax system.
Answer:The revolution led to America incurring much debt, Hamilton proposed the government clearing off this debts at phase value
One of the major problems on the table of President George Washington was how to deal with the economic effect that the revolution created. George Washington appointment Alexander Hamilton who came up with tackling first the public credit because the government had incurred much debt due to the revolution, He issued the federal government to pay off all debts at phase value to enhance the legitimacy of a new central government.
the next need becomes dominant.
Based on the Maslow's hierarchy of needs It can be said that Maslow argued that once a need is substantially satisfied, the next need becomes dominant. This is because according the hierarchy needs are satisfied one level at a time. Therefore until the individual completely satisfies the needs in the level that he/she is in, they cannot go on to the next level, but once they do the next becomes dominant and must be satisfied to continue upward.
The jury was angry and disappointed that he broke the contestant's guitar.
The X Factor is a world-renowned program. This program is a talent contest in which people can go to compete to be selected as possible singing stars and win a financial prize.
The initial phase of the contest is the auditions in which a large number of people will appear before the judges to be selected and enter the competition.
In the version made in Ukraine, a participant sings at his audition but has no talent to perform as a singer. Additionally, one of the jurors loses his patience and goes to where the contestant is, snatches his guitar, and breaks it.
Subsequently, the judge goes to the room where a part of the other applicants are and warns them not to appear if they do not have talent because many people are going to audition and lack talent.
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Competency refers to the capacity to make treatment decisions. This includes the capability to consent to a particular medical treatment and is presumed that adult persons are competent. Rationality is the decisional capacity to make reasonable choices in regard to one’s health. Competency affects decision making in long term care given that the elderly may not have the decisional capacity to make some decisions especially at an advanced age. An example is decisions concerning test treatments and medicine.